© Robin Rayne

ACP Special Exhibition: Picturing Justice

Atlanta Legal Aid Society

Featuring work by: Kirti Bassendine, Virginia Carr, Dustin Chambers, Maura Friedman, Shine Huang, Kara Johnson, Lili Kobielski, Jerrold Mobley, Montalvo & McCullers, Robin Rayne

Tickets: This event is free and open to the public. Family friendly.

The core of Legal Aid’s mission is to help low-income people navigate the complexities of the court system at the most vulnerable times in their lives. Legal Aid’s clients face evictions, health crises, foreclosure, domestic violence, education issues and consumer challenges that can only be solved with the help of a lawyer.

“Picturing Justice” is an annual exhibition that explores how photography can illuminate the human stories that live behind such common shorthand as "case", "client" or "issue" so we can better experience, empathize and advocate for the lives that are improved by this important work.

This year’s "Picturing Justice" features a group exhibition as well as a photo-essay created by photographer Robin Rayne and writer Robin McDonald. The photo essay revolves around the 1999 Olmstead Decision, a Supreme Court victory initiated by lawyers of Atlanta Legal Aid. The ruling required the State of Georgia to provide community support to those with disabilities rather than interring them intermittently in mental health facilities. 20 years later, we explore how the decision has and is impacting clients of Atlanta Legal Aid.

Partnerships: ACP is proud to partner with and help further the work of Atlanta Legal Aid.

Opening Reception Oct 16 6:00PM

Exhibition Oct 16 - Nov 30

Atlanta Legal Aid Society

Mon-Fri: 11AM – 3PM

Getting there: FREE parking in Legal Aid’s lot next to building, or pay to park in deck directly across Ellis St. or take MARTA to Peachtree Center Station and walk 1 block north to corner of Peachtree and Ellis.