Hortophilia, a collection of photographs by Charlie Watts, explores the ancient and mystical connections between human beings and the natural world. Hortophilia, as a concept, refers to the innate desire to interact with, manage, and tend to nature. These photographs capture the realization of our deep and spiritual connection to these natural forces.
The images draw on myths, fairy tales, folklore, and faiths to explore the essential kinship of people and the natural world. They search within the mycelium, the unseen connective branching of fungus, which binds the forest together through the roots of the trees, whose branches thrust upward towards the sky. This connective energy parallels the way in which our bodies root us to the earth yet soar upwards towards the heavens. These collaborations with the forest honor our treasuring and conserving, respecting and protecting of the natural world.
Opening Reception Oct 25 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Exhibition Oct 25 - Dec 07
Whitespace Gallery
Wed-Sat: 11AM – 5PM
Street Parking Only